Why I Chose My Major

Major: Communication
Concentration: Media Studies

When I first went into college at Central Washington University, I thought I was going to major in social sciences. When I transferred to Northwest, I decided to major in Religion and Philosophy because I wanted a religious major without being in the School of Ministry and losing many of my scholarships. After I realized that what I really wanted was to do media in ministry, I decided to switch to communication, and it was the best switch I ever made! I loved all my classes, even though some of them didn't really have to do with art or computers like speech, interpersonal, and organization communications. However, I know that I can use all of those things in ministry. I found out in this class, confirming again and again from the test I took in high school and in earlier college, that I am an INFJ, and Introvert, Intuitive, Feeler, and Judger. Portraits of INFJ's say that they are "artistic and creative," "somewhat independent" which is congruent when we learned our strengths, "a natural affinity for art," which applies to graphic design. I also learned that I am an Idealist/Counselor for Keirsey, which mentions ministry. My top peer strengths were perseverance, hard working, resourceful, and able to work alone, which I think are all good things for working in media in ministry.

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