Deputy Prime Minister - Pro Banning Bloodsports

Mr. Speaker, good ladies and gentlemen of the House,
We've all seen it happen - Bambi, Nemo, Elmer Fudd, Jurassic Park 2
Bloodsports that hurt animal family groups and their environment.
This is actually a tender spot for me because I have a little pet rabbit named Walter that I love a lot and I know he'd drown his sorrows in pomegranate juice if someone ever shot his mother.
So I'm urging you join the logical team - say no to wabbit season as well as duck season.
The honorable Prime Minister and I say yes to banning bloodsports. And I have two reasons why.
#1 - It's harmful to endangered and extinct animals
and #2 - it has negative habitat and environmental impacts.


Now on to my two points:
#1. Bloodsports are harmful because they contribute to endangered and extinct animals
#2. Bloodsports have negative habitat and environmental impacts

#1. Bloodsports are harmful because they contribute to endangered and extinct animals
·         Trophy hunting is practiced mostly by the elite upper class people who make over 6 figures, and is the most luxurious when you can get endangered or extinct animals as your trophy
·         Peregrene Falcon - US
o    Endangered species
o    Not used for food – but hunted for sport, even to extinction in some areas of the country
·         Carolina Parakeet
·         Columbia Basin Pygmy Rabbits
o    World’s Smallest Rabbit
o    Recently become extinct - last few years - despite being endangered
o    Victim – hunters could not tell the difference between them and cottontails

#2. Bloodsports have negative habitat and environmental impacts
·         Sport Fishing
o    In sport fishing, the point is to catch as much weight of fish as you can, as fast as you can. The problem is that pulling a fish up too fast causes their swim bladder to overinflate and they will die when they are released. That’s a waste that shouldn’t happen.
o    Never mind the effects on the fish – sport fishers  in the United States sink 4,382 tons of lead sinkers every year (U.S. Geological Survey)
o    Trash, oil leak pollution
§  This disturbs the delicate eco balance of river and lakebeds, which can ruin an entire local food chain.
·         Population control is not an effective excuse.
o    Bloodsport hunters do not hunt the weak, they hunt the magnificent predators.
o    They don’t thin the herd.
§  This can result in all kinds of unprecedented stuff like
·         Problems with Genetic diversity
o    For instance, US hunters got the predators that once thinned the white tailed deer population and it actually results in overpopulation of deer.
§  If bloodsports were banned, messing with these delicate ecosystems and populations would not be a problem.


Bryttani Marking-Giles

Professor Gillespie

Human Communication

10 December 2012
Works Cited

Conger, Cristen. "Is Sport Fishing Bad for the Environment?" How Stuff Works. Discovery Inc, 19 Nov. 2008. Web. 10 Dec. 2012.
Doria, Jojo. "Exotic Big-game Hunt Banned in Texas; Three Antelope Species Protected." AHN Sports, 7 Apr. 2012. Web. 10 Dec. 2012.
Edwards, Brent T. "How Does Hunting for Sport Affect the Ecosystem?" EHow. Demand Media, 25 June 2010. Web. 10 Dec. 2012.
"Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Peregrine Falcons." Endangered Species Program. US Fish and Wildlife Service, 28 Aug. 2012. Web. 10 Dec. 2012.
"Hunting." OCPA USA. Orange County People for Animals, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2012.
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.  1995.  Washington state recovery plan for the pygmy rabbit.  Wildlife Management Program, Wash. Dep. Fish and Wildl., Olympia. 73pp.

Why I Chose My Major

Major: Communication
Concentration: Media Studies

When I first went into college at Central Washington University, I thought I was going to major in social sciences. When I transferred to Northwest, I decided to major in Religion and Philosophy because I wanted a religious major without being in the School of Ministry and losing many of my scholarships. After I realized that what I really wanted was to do media in ministry, I decided to switch to communication, and it was the best switch I ever made! I loved all my classes, even though some of them didn't really have to do with art or computers like speech, interpersonal, and organization communications. However, I know that I can use all of those things in ministry. I found out in this class, confirming again and again from the test I took in high school and in earlier college, that I am an INFJ, and Introvert, Intuitive, Feeler, and Judger. Portraits of INFJ's say that they are "artistic and creative," "somewhat independent" which is congruent when we learned our strengths, "a natural affinity for art," which applies to graphic design. I also learned that I am an Idealist/Counselor for Keirsey, which mentions ministry. My top peer strengths were perseverance, hard working, resourceful, and able to work alone, which I think are all good things for working in media in ministry.